Speaking at FOSS Events

Speaking at FOSS United events provides a unique platform for individuals to share their knowledge, insights, and experiences with a diverse and engaged audience. Here are some of the opportunities and benefits associated with speaking at FOSS United events:


  1. Presenting Talks: Share your expertise on a specific topic, technology, or project related to open-source software.

  2. Panel Discussions: Participate in panel discussions with other experts, engaging in lively debates and sharing diverse perspectives.

  3. Workshops and Tutorials: Lead hands-on workshops or tutorials, providing practical knowledge and skills to attendees.

  4. Keynote Speeches: Opportunity to deliver keynote speeches, setting the tone for the event and inspiring the audience.

  5. Community Engagement: Engage with the community through Q&A sessions, meet-and-greets, and informal discussions.

  6. Collaborative Projects: Showcase collaborative projects and initiatives, highlighting the power of community-driven development.


  1. Professional Recognition: Gain recognition as an expert in your field, enhancing your professional credibility and reputation.

  2. Networking: Connect with other professionals, industry leaders, and enthusiasts in the open-source community.

  3. Skill Enhancement: Improve your public speaking, presentation, and leadership skills through real-world experience.

  4. Knowledge Sharing: Contribute to the collective knowledge of the community by sharing your insights, research, and experiences.

  5. Influence and Impact: Influence the direction of the open-source movement and make a positive impact on the community.

  6. Collaboration Opportunities: Forge new collaborations and partnerships with like-minded individuals and organizations.

  7. Personal Growth: Experience personal growth and fulfillment by contributing to a cause you are passionate about.

  8. Access to Exclusive Content: Enjoy access to exclusive content, workshops, and sessions at the event.

  9. Promote Your Work: A platform to promote your work, projects, or products to a targeted audience.

  10. Cultural Exchange: Engage with a diverse audience, fostering cultural understanding and the exchange of ideas.

  11. Feedback and Insights: Receive valuable feedback and insights from peers and experts, helping you grow and refine your ideas.

  12. Supportive Environment: Present in a supportive and encouraging environment that values collaboration and community.

FOSS United provides clear guidelines for talk proposals, ensuring a transparent and fair selection process. Whether you are an experienced speaker or looking to make your debut, FOSS United events offer a welcoming platform to share, learn, connect, and grow. It's an opportunity to be part of a vibrant community that celebrates open-source culture and innovation.