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Home automation using Arduino Uno R3 and PIR SENSOR

This project is based on aurdino and pir sensor it basically works on human motion detection when a room has less amount of light and a human motion is detected it turns on the light


It basically works apon the human interaction aurdino is connected to PIR SENSOR and a bulb and power source and with a resistor and with a photo resistor so when the light is less in room (30-40% )the and a human motion is detected by PIR SENSOR then the stats to bulb glow and when there is enough light to see (60-70%) the photoresistor will not send any signal to PIR SENSOR and pir will not detect the human motion and light will not glow

Ashvin singh
Abhinav Kabra

My git hub code link link :

September 12, 2020

September 12, 2020

Project created by Ashvin singh

September 8, 2020