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Smart Adverse Drug Reaction Assessment Tools, aims to use AI to detect signals of Adverse Drug Reactions(ADRs) and predict Disease Trends in a location/population from Social Media. It aims to use Data Programming Paradi


There is enough research evidence that social media can be an important source of indicating Adverse Drug Reactions and analyzing disease trends in a population. Although this signal is weak, many algorithms have been developed to extract the important signals that depict a valid ADR. However, the prediction of future disease trends from social media data in a population under study is a challenging task and breakthroughs have not been made in this direction. Also, another epidemiologic challenge that demands to be solved is predicting possible reason(s) behind the appearance of such trends for further verification and validation of the Early Warning System.

Hence, SADRAT would tackle the above-mentioned issues providing the pharmaceutical companies with the necessary parameters and predictive outcomes (i.e. Disease trends, probable reasons for disease etc. using predictive analytics) in a dashboard that would leverage their decision-making (related to marketing strategies, venturing into new market and the introduction of new and upgraded drugs) while targeting a particular population based on pivots such as season, age, gender, race, etc.

Shaswat Lenka
Pritish Samal
Shruti Srivatsan
Debabrata Panigrahi

We will have a short meet up tomorrow mostly before noon(you will be notified by me through email), in which we will be discussing with you the details of the project and the roadmap that we have for the next two days. Hope you are excited!

September 11, 2020

Project created by Shaswat Lenka

September 9, 2020