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Helping people achieve financial independence by helping them budget their monthly savings. 💸

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Budgeting app based on the 50-30-20 rule, which is a common rule of thumb used for budgeting.

"Having money isn't everything, not having it is."
Kanye West

50-30-20 rule

According to this rule,

  • 50% of your income can be spent on essentials like rent, groceries, or bills.
  • 30% of your income can be spent on non-essentials like dining out or entertainment.
  • 20% of your income should be spent on financial goals, like paying off debt or saving for retirement.

Mobile App

This mobile app divides the user's monthly income into these categories and shows how much can be spent on a particular category for that month. The balance on each category can be reduced as spending is made. At the end of the month, the money left in each category can be saved.

Tech Stack

  1. React-Native
  2. Expo
  3. Async Storage
  4. Redux
  5. React-Redux
  6. React Navigation
  7. React Native Paper

Future Goals

This is just the beginning of the project. Budgeting, while simple, is the most effective step to take towards achieving financial independence. In the future, the app can be expanded to show users where they can invest their savings, offers & discounts they can use to save more money, and offer courses on financial education.


Contact me on Telegram:

Jagannath Bhat

Finished documentation

September 13, 2020

Finished setting up redux

September 13, 2020

Finished setting up async-storage

September 12, 2020

Added two screens to the app

September 12, 2020

Project created by Jagannath Bhat

September 2, 2020