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The 6 degree-of-freedom rocket model is a simulation that accurately predicts the trajectory, apogee, and other parameters of a rocket during flight. It takes into account atmospheric conditions, turbulence, and aerodyna

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A 6 degree-of-freedom rocket model is a simulation that accurately models the motion of a rocket in flight, taking into account atmospheric conditions, turbulence, and aerodynamic parameters. It calculates the trajectory, apogee, and other parameters of the rocket at every time interval using detailed information about the motor, rocket, and aerodynamics.

This type of model is essential for predicting the behavior of rockets during flight and optimizing their performance. The model takes into account factors such as air density, wind speed, and turbulence to simulate the rocket's trajectory accurately. It also considers the rocket's weight, shape, and aerodynamic properties to predict its behavior as it flies through the air.

In the case of the validated rocket launch at Spaceport America in New Mexico, the model accurately predicted the rocket's apogee to within 34 feet of the actual altitude reached. This level of accuracy demonstrates the effectiveness of the model and its ability to provide valuable insights into rocket performance.

Ronan Mark D'souza
Darpan Theng

Uploaded a package on PyPi for the helios flight simulator

March 5, 2023

Final Code was pushed and the demonstration video was made

March 5, 2023

Model explanation with a demo video in progress.

March 5, 2023

Documentation of the model is in progress.

March 5, 2023

Added default values to variable constraints such as parachute diameter, refeed diameter, rocket length, etc.. to enhance user experience. This allows the user to run the program whether or not they have all the necessary data required to run the code.

March 5, 2023

Refactoring round 2

March 5, 2023

Switched from UI to CLI-based input, making the code easier to run, user-friendly, and running external scripts.

March 5, 2023

Built the feature to provide detailed reports including user inputs, output parameters, 2D & 3D trajectory plots detailing the rocket performance.

March 5, 2023

Refactored the codebase, grouped similar functions together, and made the codebase structured, and easier to contribute to.

March 5, 2023

Accumulated all functions and performed testing with sample values.

March 5, 2023

Created different methods to formulate rocket parameters i.e. aerodynamics and propulsion effects of rocket's trajectory.

March 5, 2023

Incorporated relevant Matrix and Differential Equations calculations and the algorithm to model the 6-Degrees of Freedom (DoF) rocket's trajectory. A mindmap planning out the entire process.

March 5, 2023

Project created by Ronan Mark D'souza

March 3, 2023