ReactPlay is an Open Source platform that helps anyone learn ReactJS faster with a hands-on practice model.
ReactPlay is an Open Source platform that helps anyone learn ReactJS faster with a hands-on practice model. It is a collection of ReactJS projects you can use to learn ReactJS.
Is that all? Nope. You can also create your projects and share them with the world. The best part is that the ReactJS experts will review your project code before it gets part of the ReactPlay platform. Isn't that a pure WIN-WIN?
Apart from targeting review-based learning, the ReactPlay community hosts hackathons and challenges to encourage building public and learning in public. In the last 10 months(since its incubation in April 2022), the community has hosted events like:
- Hack-R-Play: An event partnered with Nhost Open Source project to encourage developers to build full stack applications. We had 70+ submissions and 3 winners.
- #2PlaysAMonth: An event where devs are committed to building two react projects in February(ongoing) and completing them based on judging criteria. We have 30+ idea submissions already.
Apart from these long events, the community is focused on nurturing the areas of competitive programming through:
- Twitter Spaces
- YouTube Live
The topics of discussion are around,
- Public Speaking
- Job Interviews
- Side Hustles
- React roadmaps
- Open Source
The motto of ReactPlay is to provide opportunities to developers to learn, create, share, and grow.
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