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Surplus Food Management

Whatever the occasion, from house parties to weddings, there may be times when the food was prepared in excess and we almost threw it away. Yet, did you know that 828 million people go to bed hungry?

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Whatever the occasion, from house parties to weddings, there may be times when the food was prepared in excess and we almost threw it away. Yet, did you know that 828 million people go to bed hungry (source: Therefore we created this initiative to assist NGOs and other organizations in collecting food from everywhere and feeding the hungry.

Thus we propose to build a web-based platform where anybody may notify neighbouring NGOs, Institutions, or Organizations that they have extra food and what type (veg, non-veg) and how many people can be fed. The front end will be created with Next.js, and the backend will be Django Rest Framework.

We would be delighted to have you if you believe you can build this project with us, never mind the tech stack we can learn on the go.

Shaheem PP
Akshay Benny

Project created by Shaheem PP

March 4, 2023